Free Consultation

Why Wonder if You’re Making the Right Moves?

Stop making “adjustments” and start driving growth

We reached out to Cover Funnel to streamline our online marketing, source new guests and optimize our service to ‘wow’ them.Their team was a pleasure to work with and was responsive to our specific concept needs.

Matthew Carlin

1 What’s Your Story?

Our purpose is to take the banana peels off the floor and set people on the best path to success using proven marketing and data techniques. The more you can tell us the better. We are in the business of saving time and money; the more we know about you the more progress we can make on our call.

2 The Consultation

This is our first date! Let’s make sure we are compatible. Let’s get to know one another. Our team is made up of some very savvy individuals. This call is all about making some headway in the right direction and identifying problems. We will give you solid advice whether we wind up working together or not.

3 Follow Up

We always follow up with a plan. We are not the perfect fit for all projects! Even if we are not the right fit for you, we will do our due diligence to set you on the right path. We are a team built on hospitality just like yours. If you’re here for growth you’re in the right place, so let’s get going.

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